• A little about me


As all good things come to an end so did my chances of winning a cookbook during the four-week span of Rick Bayless’s recipe challenge. I tried my best, sometimes a little too much, and the outcome may have been justly reflected. Needless to say, I enjoyed my time in the kitchen trying out new … Continue reading


And so it goes…another recipe submission and no success. I am determined to win a cookbook one way or another! Week three of the Rick Bayless Twitter Recipe Challenge might have been the trickiest by far with a tropical scallop ceviche. Having never made a ceviche before, I was a little hesitant to use raw … Continue reading

These are a Few of My Favorite Things – Sunday Coffee

While this is not a recipe for a dinner or a dessert I feel it’s more a recipe for enjoying life. I find nothing more comforting than having a slow, calm morning doing anything I want at my own pace. Unfortunately this is a luxury I rarely afford to myself.  It often takes a little … Continue reading

Food Photo Contest: Rick Bayless’s Twitter Challenge Week 2

Week 2- Last night Rick posted his recipe for Week 2 of the Twitter Recipe Challenge: @Rick_Bayless This week’s recipe (harder than last weeks): Roasted Enchiladas w Creamy Tomatillo Sauce and Melted Cheese. Recipe is my next Tweet @Rick_Bayless  Rst 1#tomtllos,1 on,3 grlc,3 serranos;puree;sear n oil 2 thkn;simr w 2c broth,.5c crema.Oil,micrwv 12 torts,roll w … Continue reading

Fry Me to the Moon – Frickles and Fried Onions!

Now before you get too excited I must send out a disclaimer:  I am in NO WAY responsible for the outcome of eating such things. I made these merely as an experiment and I apologize in advance as they may cause you to derail from any healthy diet plan that you may be on. Please … Continue reading

Food Photo Contest: Rick Bayless’s Twitter Challenge Week 1

To my surprise, Rick Bayless has started a four week long contest to promote his latest cookbook – ‘Fiesta at Rick’s’.  Naturally I jumped at this opportunity given my love for Mexican food and any sort of cooking competition. The whole idea behind the contest is to decipher Rick’s 140 character recipe and you do … Continue reading

Pantry Raid! Tortellini with Shrimp and Asparagus

Every few weeks or so the roommates and some friends of mine gather for a pot-luck style dinner.  Last week we chose an Italian theme working around my friend Katie’s version of chicken saltimbocca.  Katie by the way, is a very near and dear friend of mine who I have known since college.  She too, … Continue reading

Strong to the “Finich” – Arctic Char with Red Curry Spinach and Sauteed Greens

As children, Popeye always encouraged us to eat our spinach to be strong like him (and have raging forearm muscles), but who wants to eat spinach from a can?! While trying to eat a little healthier after two weekends of parties, weddings, and dining out I felt that a meal incorporating spinach was the way … Continue reading

Life’s a Beach – Sweet Pineapple Galette

There’s no better time of year than when pineapple is in season and its aroma and taste are as sweet as candy. Whole Foods was running a special the other day so I of course had to scoop one up. I had been looking through my Williams & Sonoma Pies cookbook this past week and … Continue reading

Knead Me – Rosemary and Caramelized Onion Loaf

Pasta and bread were two of my main food groups as a kid. A giant bowl of pasta with a side of bread? Yes please! I still do it to this day and I’m not even Italian.  I will often times have a dinner that is solely bread and olive oil maybe a little bit … Continue reading