Strong to the “Finich” – Arctic Char with Red Curry Spinach and Sauteed Greens

As children, Popeye always encouraged us to eat our spinach to be strong like him (and have raging forearm muscles), but who wants to eat spinach from a can?! While trying to eat a little healthier after two weekends of parties, weddings, and dining out I felt that a meal incorporating spinach was the way … Continue reading

Pantry Raid! Tomato and Red Curry Chickpeas Over Couscous


I LOVE pantry raid day. Essentially when I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel (read, pantry) for something to eat I feel the most inspired. Cooking under limitations and pressure can really force you to use your imagination and creativity —  my favorite method of cooking! So, yesterday I was home sick from work and … Continue reading